Kikuya Japanese Restaurant

8105 161st Ave Ne Redmond
Seattle , WA  98052

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Kikuya Japanese Restaurant, Seattle

This is the business contact information for Kikuya Japanese Restaurant, which is located at 8105 161st Ave Ne Redmond in Seattle. Feel free to call them at (425) 881-8771. For driving directions to 8105 161st Ave Ne Redmond in Seattle please scroll down and click on the "View Larger Map" link below the map on the right of the screen. Find other businesses in the Asian Restaurants or Restaurants categories by clicking the links beside "Seattle" above this listing. Are you familiar with Kikuya Japanese Restaurant located at 8105 161st Ave Ne Redmond? If so why not share your experiences by writing a review? If you feel we have miscategorized Kikuya Japanese Restaurant and they shouldn't be in the Asian Restaurants category, please click the "New Category" button below.


Asian Restaurants